Web design the way it should be—done right, from the ground up—comprehensive, intelligent, with the end user, business goals, and budget in mind.
I practice credibility-based design to enable search engines and users to find you, learn about your company or craft, and engage with you. It’s a comprehensive approach that incorporates technologies and platforms that make sense for you and your brand/business.
Your web site and your brand are yours. On any channel you choose, I will help maximize your digital presence, and I will not hold it hostage. My involvement can be as much or as little as you choose.
I have worked with folks who are very good at their craft and now employ their skills as freelancers. If needed, I can enlist these talented colleagues for help with skills like writing, graphic design, or photography.
If you need a web site, a freshening or redesign, consultation on web design or development, help with site optimization or management, email marketing, social media, a blog, digital strategy, content marketing, or traffic analytics, I can help. My aim is to help you leverage the web to meet your business goals in affordable, intelligent, and creative ways.
Contact me for a “no commitment” (ie, free) consultation.
Thanks for visiting!

Web design, web development, domain management, information architecture, content creation, content marketing, video, audio, interactive design, screensavers, logos, web site optimization, keyword research, online editor, CMS, traffic analytics, email newsletters, SEO, social media, open source utilities (including WordPress and extensions, forums, mail lists, photo galleries).